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Trish Yates
Visual artist / Printmaker
Trish Yates_ Whisper_ drypoint etching and chine colle Framed | Chine colle drypoint 2 |
Chine Colle Drypoint | Whimsical ShadowMokuhanga (Japanese woodblock technique) Sumi Ink |
Sumi ShadowsMokuhanga (Japanese woodblock technique. Sumi ink | Solace in Nature 1Multi woodblock monoprint akua inks |
Solace in Nature 3Multi woodblock monoprint part of a series | Solace in Nature 2Multi woodblock monotype |
Pastoral rainMonotype akua inks | Urban rainMonotype akua inks |
Winter HarvestWoodblock, stencil, lino etch | The Golden HourMokuhanga (Japanese woodblock technique) Watercolour pigments |
Storm Approaching 1Monotype akua ink | Storm Approaching 2Monotype akua ink |
The Quiet SeaWoodblock Monoprint | ArborealMulti Woodblock Akua Ink |
SunsetMonotype | Pilbara 1Multi-Plate Monotype Akua ink |
Book 2Woodblock | BookConcertina artist book |
Ghosts of Forests PastWoodblock monoprint | Around the harbour 2Mokuhanga (Japanese woodblock technique) |
Around the harbour 3Japanese woodblock technique | BoatWoodblock monoprint |
DriftnetMokuhanga (Japanese woodblock technique) | Harbour mistWoodblock monoprint |
King TideWoodblock Monoprint | tree museumPerspex Box with multiple tree prints |
print in situEtching | Shadow seriesEtched Lino/ Etching |
shadow seriesCollograph/etching | Transient 2Japanese woodblock technique |
Shadow SeriesCollagraph/Etching | Trish Yates_Fleeting Moments_Lino etching |
A collection of my printmaking works - click on larger images below to view them in full size
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